This week the teams focus was on doing some final verification tests on the sensors as well as working on the joint atmospheric sensor code.
- We performed verification of the SHT30 Temp Sensor. The sensor performed as expected.
The flowchart was updated in order to reflect the different scenarios that would reflect a change in speed. From the flowchart, the different scenarios are:
If rain is detected for longer than 5 minutes, the speed will decrease by 5 mph.
If rain is detected for 5 minutes or longer and wind is over 31 mph, the speed will be decreased by 10 mph.
If wind is detected over 31 mph, the speed will be decrease by 10 mph.
If rain is detected for 5 minutes or longer and light is less than 0.1V, the speed will decrease by 5 mph.
If rain is detected for 5 minutes or longer and the temperature is less than 55 degrees, the speed will decrease by 10 mph.
If rain is detected for 5 minutes or longer, the temperature is less than 55 degrees and the light is less than 0.1V, the speed will decrease by 10 mph.
If rain is detected for 5 minutes or longer, wind speed is over 31 mph, and the temperature is less than 55 degrees. The speed will decrease by 15 mph.
The remaining parts for the sign arrived. Below is the 7-segment display that will be used to display one of the numbers. There are two that will be placed on the sign in order to display the two-digit number needed for the speed limit.
Below is one of the other parts that were received this week. The two 7-segment displays are placed on the sign to display how the sign will look once the displays are mounted onto the sign.
I focused on creating a projected testing timeline for the minimum amount of times we will be testing the system at the two testing locations.