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Week 3 & 4 (1/31-2/13)

This week we focused mainly on researching more in-depth for each project. We focused mostly on finding the parts we would need in order to bring the ideas to life. This in return would give us more of an idea on the complexity and difficulty the project may be as well as possible problems that could arise.

Roadway Monitoring System:

Arduino has many capabilities that would be able to control all the different sensors and controls needed for each pole in the project.

Pixy2 camera is very efficient with both camera quality as well as capabilities for the project. The camera has functions for motion detection as well as object detection. The device also works well with Arduinos. For the project, Python and Machine learning will be utilized in order to control these devices.

IR sensors will be used to help determine the vehicles passing the posts. They are used in most cases for object detection. These IR sensors can also be used for speed sensors. The sensors will detect an object at each post. The created software will then calculate the speed of the vehicle based on the time the car passed the sensor vs how long it took the car to pass the other sensor.

Visually impaired glasses assistant:



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